HDX Dragon Vista Experience Index

I’ve been asked to post “the numbers” so here they are. (I don’t think this rating process is truly reflective of the “total experience” but others may.)

Interestingly, I had thought that the eSATA 5400 rpm drives would be the lowest scoring components, but that 5.3 score was not the bottom. Memory calcs per second were at the bottom at 5.1.

However, numbers aside, MY EXPERIENCE is how I rate a computer. And this is one fast dragon. As of right now, it’s the fast box in the house!


Once again, here’s the list of participating sites and the dates when the contest will start and winners selected:

Site Contest Starts Winner Announced On
AbsoluteVista.com 2-May 9-May
Ars Technica 3-May 10-May
OSNN.net 4-May 11-May
JKontherun.com 5-May 12-May
Barbs Connected World 6-May 13-May
BostonPocketPC.com 7-May 14-May
The-Gadgeteer.com 8-May 15-May
TheDigitalLifesetyle.com 9-May 16-May
DigitalHomeThoughts.com 10-May 17-May
Windows-now.com 11-May 18-May
WindowsConnected.com 12-May 19-May
Geekstogo.com 13-May 20-May
Bink.nu 14-May 21-May
MediabLab.com 15-May 22-May
Last100.com 16-May 23-May
Digital Inspiration 17-May 24-May
Notebooks.com 18-May 25-May
SlashdotReview.com 19-May 26-May
Neowin.net 20-May 27-May
Geek.com 21-May 28-May
Lockergnome.com 22-May 29-May
Planet x64.com 23-May 30-May
TheGreenButton.com 24-May 31-May
Istartedsomething.com 25-May 1-June
BleepingComputer.com 26-May 2-June
HardwareGeeks.com 27-May 3-June
GeekNewsCentral.com 28-May 4-June
Geekzone.co.nz 29-May 5-June
TheTabletPC.net 30-May 6-June
GearLive.com 31-May 7-June
GottaBeMobile.com 1-June 8-June