31 Chances to Win the biggest, most powerful notebook ever

Sounds like the SPAM you receive every day, right? Or one of those here today, gone tomorrow websites that offer the world but want your soul in return.


If you’re in the market for an unbelievable entertainment machine, total retail value at around $4500, you will have 31 chances to win a dream machine that also includes the highest end options, software, movies to play in the included Blu-Ray HD DVD.

Be prepared to be blown away. I’ve used laptops nearly all my computing life, starting with the Tandy FD1400 that used two 720 floppies.


Here’s a hint. 20.1 inch wide screen 1080p display. There’s only one notebook in the world this powerful. It looks something like:


I’ll have a review of this awesome machine as well in a week or so, as will 30 other sites, so you’ll know some of the folks are truth tellers from way back.

This is for real folks.

Details early next week.

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