Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Hue and Lifx bulbs have been supported with Amazon’s Echo/Alexa ecosystem for a long time. One of the missing elements, the ability to specify specific colors or temperatures, was missing, although cool third party integration with Yonomi allowed you to…
Two Factor/Multifactor Authentication can help keep you safe. The bad guys are out to get you. They’re phishing in your email, they are using brute force to try to get your password so they can log into your email accounts,…
If you’re a hard core Windows Insider, you’ll want to be one of the first to know when new Insider Builds are available for download and corresponding blog posts go up. You can always watch @donasarkars Twitter stream (and check…
The technical press (like Engadget ) is publishing info about a vulnerability that impacts WD Networked devices that have cloud access enabled. That’s great, but they aren’t providing info for non technical users on how to check their settings and…
If you didn’t pair your cellphone before installing 15031, there’s a work around using the legacy control panel. Many want to test the cool new Dynamic Lock feature, but since the Settings App, Devices functionality is broken, think they need…